Thursday 12 December 2013

10 Important things you need to know

10 Important things you need to know
1. Make your public profile like facebook, twitter as good as possible hide your friends & hide your pages on facebook because some friends find out that how you think or what type of mind you have.

2. Get simple design clothes or that type of clothes which make yourself looking good, and most important think your shoes must be clean where-ever you were.

3. Never show-off your-self, leave on others let them judge your-self.

4. Think quick and talk slow, if anyone ask you a question then give him/her an answer not explanation, and if he/she ask question again which matches the before one then give him little explanation.

5. When you were alone think on your career or future don't think at past too much it will break you or destroy you mentally.

6. Learn some royal eating style, it will help you some-where in your life .

7. Make good friends and help those friends that will help you at bad time.

8. Never talk behind peoples, it will make your image bad.

9. Watch news and get some interest in politics if you aren't interested then make yourself interested you must be know everything.

10. Read books it will help you allot.


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