Sunday 15 December 2013

How Hacker Get The Password

How Hacker Get The Password
In My Opinion

There are several ways from where hackers can get your password.I am going to point out the most common techniques used by them.

1. Hacking the database is most common technique used by Hackers. Where hackers hack the database holding server or data-base stored on an online service, after successful attack they get all information stored on that data-base of course the database should be Encrypted but there are techniques which hacker uses to break the encryption.Things they get after successful breach are E-mails, Usernames and passwords, Home address, I.P address, and in a worst case scenario your Credit-Card numbers and your social security numbers.

2. Social Engineering Attack people are always the weakest link in world of security. Hackers use Social Engineering to exploit the people and control them without there knowing. Social Engineering Attack is most successful than any other attack in existence and trust act as a catalyst in it. Hackers first create a trust in the Victim and using just sweet talk they make there Victim to open a harmless files containing Viruses, and Trojans. In modern techniques they don't even need to send you a file which can be scanned using Anti-Virus they simply give you a link and when you will open it you will lose all the passwords and sometimes your complete computer control. key-logger are still used but not much by Hackers but by the people you already trust. Key-loggers are simple tools or kind of virus which will start logging all the typed key and even take the screen-shot of your session and send it all to the Attackers Email or save it some where on your Computer from where the attacker can retrieve it.

3. Dictionary Attack, Hacker can easily attack on database but there are 50% chance's that you will get the database username and password. Example In this tool there are two boxes in one box hacker upload the millions of usernames-list and in other box millions of passwords, and it start something like this millions of password attack on one username if it did not worked then it will again hit that millions of passwords-list at second username if again fail then it jump to third one and continue, this is how it will hit the millions of passwords at millions of username. Most of the hacker's are using this technique and the problem is that the victims must be online at that time. Question is when will the Tool used for it will stop attacking? well answer is quite simple it depend on hackers dictionary, some-times it will take up to 2 days or 10 and sometimes net connection get's down because of large amount of traffic. After a fail attempt or in case victim's PC goes down the attacker can continue the attack from where He/She left.

4. Guessing the password, hackers also guess the password for example if hacker knows his thinking, that how he think and what he think then there is a way that hacker can access victims account this is the simplest way to get the password. Many peoples have tried this and most of the time it will work. It also depend on your mind that how powerful mind you have, that how can you match your thoughts with the victim thoughts.


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